Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gaia's Tears - Our Mother

Can You Hear it?
Our Mother, She's Crying...
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother, She's Weeping...
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother, She's Crying Out for Help.

Neglected, Uncared for, Unloved
By Her Children, and Generations beyond
None Believed, None Saw the Truth for What it was
Living In Their Own World,
Cocooned By Lies

Can You Hear it?
Our Mother's Cries
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Weeping
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Crying Out for Help

It Came Too Late, When They'd Stopped Running
Her Skin was scarred, Body Milked Dry
Battles Upon Battles, Wars Upon Wars
Her Children, They Bled,
For Their Own Greed

Can You Hear it?
Our Mother's Cries
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Weeping
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Crying Out for Help

Listen With Your Heart
Listen With All Your Might
Can You Hear it On the Wind?
Can You Hear it On the Waves?
... Our Mother's Crying Out For Help

Can You Hear it?
Our Mother's Cries
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Weeping
Can You Hear It?
Our Mother's Crying Out for Help

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Gaia's Tears - A New World (Into Gaia's Arms)

Gaia's arms...

Gaia's arms...

S: No one believed her
No one imagined it was true
No one could see her
winter haven coming into view
F: She says she's seen the land beyond
She said she's walked through Babylon
She felt the cold beneath her feet
And time stood still where the winter won't sleep
S: (where the winter won't sleep)

S: I've seen a new world...
F: like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms
S: I've seen a new world...
F: like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms

S: All hope was fading, a darkness far beyond their might
But love came crusading on the wings of healing sacrifice
F: She gave them something to believe
Came back in all Her majesty
She conquered evil through Her love and handed them the land they were dreaming of S: (love came crusading)

S: I've seen a new world...
F: like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms
S: I've seen a new world...
like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms

F: I never dreamed it but it seems that She's alive again
Shaking Her mane She's just the same as I remembered Her
The spell is weakening with every breath She's breathing in
S&F: And when She roars they can't ignore that She's our queen again

S: (There, just beyond the moonlight)

S: I've seen, I've seen, I've seen a new world...
F: Into a new world...
Into Gaia's arms

S: I've seen a new world...
F: like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms
S:I've seen a new world...
F:like nothing before...
just step through the door right
S: Into a new world...
F: Into Gaia's arms

S: Into a new world...
S&F: Gaia's arms...

* played and sung similarly to Toby Mac's "New World" track.
* slightly modified from Toby Mac's "New World" lyrics.
* S : Siobahn, opera-like intonation.
* F : Faolan, rap feel.
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Friday, November 30, 2007


Cute and bubbly wit' a heart of gold, Sasha was well on her way ter bein' a good nurse an' an upstandin' citizen. That was 'til 'er First Change, o' course, and she foun' out that she was a werewolf, one of the Garou. One of us. Now she's busy trying ter juggle her studies an' ambitions of being a nurse, her duties as one of the Sept, an' bein' a good partner to her gerlfrien'. No, I'm not homophobic, y'hear! I'm just a-lettin' yer young pups know in advance before y'all - Gaia forbid - try to pick 'er up, y'understand. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, she's copin' alright, tho' I believe the stress of 'er not bein' able ter tell 'er other half the truth is eatin' away at 'er.

She's an excellent healer, believe you me, she sewed me up aft'r a most particularly bad scrap. Wouldn't even know the scar's there, too. But she couldn't 'urt a fly, not even in 'er own defense. Too soft in the 'eart ter 'urt any'un. So, y'all look after 'er, y'hear? I's gotsta go sit wit' the other elders 'fore they eats all me food.

- As told by Grandpappy Larkins

Sashamani d/o M Krishna

Student Nurse

Children of Gaia Theurge Homid

Caregiver(N) / Reluctant Garou(D)

Cliath (1)

Willpower 5 | Rage 2 | Gnosis 5

Physical 4

Social 7

Mental 7

Athletics, Empathy, Medicine x2, Negotiation

Resources x3, Rites x1

Influence (Medical) x2

Calm Heart (m3) / Soft-hearted (f1)

(1) Persuasion, Mother's Touch, Luna's Armour

(1) Rite of Cleansing
* Dedicated to KAZE's godsister, Sushma.

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Dedicated to KAZE's godsister Sushma.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Faolan mac Conmara

Faolan, or "Mac" among friends, is not your run-of-the-mill Half-Moon. Faolan constantly obsesses over lore which he argues lends credence and support to the laws of our people. And to learn, he translates everything into music and sings to memorise what he needs to know by heart. An old Galliard of the sept was overheard remarking "that it was such a waste that he wasn't born a Galliard".

It must be said that music runs in his veins, if not his whole family. The older brother of Siobahn O'Gallagher, born of expatriate common law parents, Faolan has always been immersed in music. Encouraged by his parents, he learnt as much as he could about music. In fact, even his First Change at the age of 18 involved music, in a way. It happened at a heavy metal concert, when a mosh-pit had transformed itself into an ugly riot. When his sister was in danger of being trampled to death, he felt his skin crawl, stretch and twist, unleashing the heart of Rage that he carried within. The period of his First Change is hidden behind a black-out; all he knows is that he woke up, semi-naked and covered in gore, several miles away in a deserted park with his sleeping sister cradled in his arms.

A few days later, while he was contemplating what had become of him, he was set upon by a trio of lean, sickly-looking black dogs. Standing in the surf, under the light of the Half-Moon, he Changed and held his ground, following the rhythm of the sea in his defence. He was rescued by a pack of Garou which had been tracking the trio of dogs. Taken to the Sept and educated by his elders, he learned quickly of what he was and what he had to do. He also learnt that his parents were truly kin in more ways than one.

He is part of Gaia's Tears because of several reasons: his sister Siobahn formed it after her First Change, he loves the music they play and he hopes to reach out to people's souls through the music, to make them aware of their actions and teach them about Mother Gaia. He hopes to change the world, by educating as many people as he can through the music the band plays. Not to say that he is not above teaching others a lesson with his fists, of course.

Faolan mac Conmara, Rhythm-of-the-Tides

Gaia's Tears

Headbangin' Musician

Fianna Philodox Homid

Alpha(N) / Visionary(D)

Cliath (1)

Willpower 3 | Rage 3 | Gnosis 3

Physical 6

Social 7 / neg: condescending

Mental 6 / neg: impatient

Dodge, Expression, Garou Lore, Music Theory, Performance (Rap, Bass & Drums) x3, Streetwise

Fame x3, Kinfolk x1, Pure Breed x1, Resources x3, Totem x1

Street Influence x2

Seldom Sleeps (m2) / Addiction: Nicotine (f1), Short Fuse (f2)

(1) Salmon Leap, Persuasion, Sense Wyrm

1) Faolan is pronounced "fwail-awn".

2) Translation of name is "Wolf Hound of the Sea".

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Wenenses Laughs-A-Thousand

Wenenses was just another wolf living in the wilds of Minnesota, albeit a much leaner wolf than most. Even as a cub he'd a penchant for games and wandering, always mucking about with his brother and sisters or leading them off to explore their surroundings. This continued even into his adolescence, when even his siblings had outgrown it. His explorations took him further and further away from his pack, until he wandered out into a field of long grass. A small group of humans saw him and gave chase. Wenenses thought it was such a great game; leaping here and there, letting the humans get close and then darting off again. This carried on for a while until one human got fed-up and shot him in the rump.

This sparked his First Change, the pain giving way to Rage for having been hurt in a game that didn't warrant it. Losing sense of where and what he was, he only came to when the moon shined down upon him, illuminating his place in a rough circle of carnage and blood. Feeling some form of horrification, he turned to run but a glint of something shiny caught his eye. Curiousity overriding his better sense, he investigated the shiny object: a golden ring worn on a ripped off finger. Somehow using his teeth and paw, he trotted off with the ring in his maw.

He was found the next day by a pack of strange wolves who opened his eyes to what he had become even as his family shunned him. Wenenses laughed in joy, and has been laughing ever since; journeying the world in all its realms, exploring every nook, cranny and then some, and sneaking off with little trinkets whenever he can.

Wenenses, Laughs-a-Thousand

Laughing Rogue

Silent Strider (Wayfarer) Ragabash Lupus

Jester(N) / Jester(D)

Cliath (1)

Willpower 3 | Rage 3 | Gnosis 5

Physical 9

Social 5

Mental 5 / neg: Impatient

Dodge, Expression, Primal-Urge, Scrounge, Stealth x2, Streetwise x2, Survival

Ally x1 (Raven Gaffling), Fetish x1 (The Whole Gym Bag), Fetish x2 (Swift Fetish, Scar), Pure Breed x1

Medium (m3) / Banned Transformation: Relaxing Music (f1), Kleptomaniac (f2), Too Curious (f3)

(1) Hare's Leap, Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Seal, Sense Wyrm, Silence, Speed of Thought

* Fetish - The Whole Gym Bag : page 78, Tribebook Bone Gnawers Revised; a gift from a Sept of Bone Gnawers for delivering a cub safely into their hands.

* Fetish - Swift Fetish, Scar : page 81, Tribebook Red Talons Revised; part payment and part gift for services rendered to them for carrying warnings of an imminent assault by Wyrmfoes and participating in the defense of a 'Talon caern.

* Flaw - Kleptomaniac : page 76, Breedbook Ratkin

* Flaw - Too Curious : page 87, Breedbook Bastet

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