Saturday, February 2, 2008

Scars & Sutures

"Scars and Sutures are a strange pair. Scars is a petite girl of 18 years with social insecurities, and yet is still able to charm those who meet her, who wants to forget her past. Sutures is an oversized, happy-go-lucky pup covered with scars who loves Scars - and is more than willing to stand between her and certain death - who can't even remember anything of his life before Scars found him in the Alaskan wilderness. And they're virtually inseparable. Like I said, a strange pair, but nonetheless interesting."

- from the lips of Two-Tales, without his usual reiteration

The girl known simply as Scars was born to mixed Japanese and Eurasian parents under the name of Cassandra Akae Meung, and spent the majority of her childhood and early teens traveling from one oil rich area to the next. It was on her family's last stop in Alaska that she met Sutures, the young Wendigo that till today has no recollection of his past life before Scars.

Sutures was found, beaten, cut up and already scarred, by Sandra and her dad while out on a camping trip in the Alaskan wilderness. Mistaking him for a large, stray Husky sled dog, Scars convinced her dad to take him in. Sandra nursed him back to health and named him Sutures for the sheer amount of thread-work involved in sewing him back together. Shortly after he recovered, he was trained to be a Seeing-Eye dog for Scars' baby brother Cane, a survivor of an accident that'd taken the life of their elder brother, Kenichi, and had left Cane blind. At this point, Sutures was still unable to remember anything of his past as one of the of Garou, let alone his childhood as a wolf pup; he believed himself to be that which his 'family' called him, a Husky named Sutures.

A couple of years passed, and Sutures was feeling very much at home with the Meungs. And yet, he felt strange, that something was not quite right. Sandra had been having strange disturbing dreams as well, of running through many places with a wolf by her side. A wolf that looked strangely like Sutures.

His feelings and her dreams were proved right one night in June when Sandra, Cane and himself were set upon by a group of what appeared to be bulky drunks. Sutures stood protectively over the two of them, snarling and biting any who got too close to them. Until a steel pipe knocked him soaring into a heap in a corner where two of the drunks viciously kicked and beat him repeatedly. In a daze, Sutures saw the forms of the drunks - men and women - shift into things that didn't seem natural; he watched through a red mist as Cane was slowly, almost languidly beaten, and Sandra was beaten and forced to her knees, her clothes being ripped from her body. And then he felt his body stretch, twist and grow upwards, just as the same phenomenon occurred to Sandra. Rage coursed through them, exploding outwards in a fury of fangs and claws.

They ripped through their assailants, and yet more appeared from the shadows to assault them. When they were on the verge of being dragged down to their deaths, a pack of Garou burst in, ultimately saving their lives. They were carried, lost to unconsciousness, to the local Caern where they were told what they had become. They'd assumed that Sutures was a cub. That was, until they saw the Renown markings that trailed down his arms and across his back and torso. A Galliard known as Two-Tales happened to be there and read the glyphs, discovering his name and his deeds. And yet Sutures was unable to remember.

Sandra's injuries, the ones that had broken and torn the skin, had been healed but the scars that they'd left behind were in the shape of stars. Her Rite of Passage was done and her petname from the Sept of the Black Snow became her deedname: Scars-Like-Stars.

Shortly after, the Sept flexed their influence and wrangled her father's re-assignment to the South-East Asian regional headquarters in Singapore as well as quarantine and veterinary documents for Sutures, hoping that Scars & Sutures' infamy as well as past would have difficulties chasing after them.

They have been staying low and out of trouble for a while since arriving in Singapore.

Though it may not stay that way for long.


Cassandra Scars-Like-Stars

Children of Gaia Galliard Homid

"The Little Girl"

Caregiver(D) / Child(N)

Cliath (1)

Willpower 4 | Rage 3 | Gnosis 3

Physical 3 / neg: docile

Social 10 / neg: naive, shy

Mental 11

Dodge, Performance (Acting & Singing), Rituals, Subterfuge, Survival

Kin Folk x1, Past Life x1, Resources x2, Rites x2

Influence (High Society) x1, Influence (Occult) x1, Influence (Street) x1

Short (f1), Shy (f1), Soft-hearted (f1), Banned Transformation: Star Filled Skies (f3), Ward (f3)

(1) Persuasion, Beast Speech, Spirit Speech, Mother's Touch

(0) Greeting the Sun, Greeting the Moon (1) Rite of Dedication, Rite of Cleansing



Wendigo Ahroun Lupus

"And Her Big Dog"

Caregiver(D) / Protector(N)

Fostern (2)

Willpower 3 | Rage 5 | Gnosis 5

Physical 12

Social 7 / neg: bestial, feral

Mental 7 / neg: violent

Brawl, Dodge, Primal-Urge x2, Profession (Seeing-Eye Dog), Stealth, Subterfuge, Survival

Fetish x3, Pure Breed x1

Canine Appearance (m3) | Amnesia (f2), Scarred (f2), Ward (f3)

(1) Hare's Leap, Heightened Senses, Razor Claws, Call the Breeze (2) Clenched Jaw, Sense the Unnatural, Spirit of the Fray

* Kinfolk (Cane Yori Meung) / Flaw - Ward (Cane Yori Meung) : Scars' 'baby' brother who was left blind by an accident. Sutures' was trained and is used as his Seeing-Eye dog. Cane is 'in the know' and works as a tutor to blind children while living and studying with Scars. Cane is the second subject attuned to Sutures' Dog Tags fetish.

* Flaw - Banned Transformation (Star Filled Skies) : Scars cannot transform into any form - other than her Homid form - on a night where the sky is clear and filled with clearly visible stars.

* Archetype - Protector : Sutures feels the need to defend any and all who are weaker or unable to do so themselves as well as those he considers dear to his heart, and will go to great lengths to do so.

* Fetish - Dog Tags : (Level 3, Gnosis 7) Using a pair of identification discs [military or otherwise] hung from a simple collar or choker, a fetish was created which allowed the owner to keep track of those they love or have been charged with protecting. It allows the owner to know the location and status of his chosen subject or subjects, not more than two. To attune the tags to the subject, the subject must touch the tags while the owner activates it. Once activated, the owner will be able to know the status of the subject, breathed in his ear, though in simple wordings like "in danger" or "hurt". In addition, if the subject is far away, the owner may scry upon the subject's immediate surroundings which will appear in his mind's eye. However, there is a maximum limit on this viewing ability as it will not extend past the city limits and must be attuned to the subject in every different city that they visit. It is also rumored that these fetishes can be used on buildings or other valued sites. Any form of urban, protective spirit - such as a kestrel or watchdog - may be used to power this fetish.

* Merit - Canine Appearance : Sutures can pass himself off as a large Husky in his Lupus form.

* Flaw - Amnesia : Sutures has no memory of his life before meeting Scars.

* Flaw - Ward (Cane Yori Meung & Scars-Like-Stars).

Children of Gaia

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Menekh'temses Two-Tales

"Ol' Two-Tales ain't quite so ol' an' walks a circuit that ranges from the shores of Englan' 'own to the western coast of Australia. With the occasional 'etour an' all by foot, no less. A truly amazin' sonnuvagun, if'n I've ever hear-tell of one.

I once picked 'im up while out on a trucking run from Marseilles to Talinn an', boy, can that boy talk your tail  an' ears off! An' his storytellin's so good that we a'most ran off the damn Autobahn!! If'n you ever meet 'im, tell 'im that Big Road Roller One's a-hopin' that our roads cross again. Hot-damn, do I miss his stories."

- as informed by the trucker Big Road Roller One, a Glass Walker Ahroun

Two-Tales is the misbegotten son of a Wayfarer 'Strider and an enamoured Wise Guy 'Walker. He lived the usual cliché life of one of his breed, with one difference: his mother and her pack actually LOVED the boy and looked after him as well as they could. But it was apparent that he was more 'Strider than 'Walker; ghosts plagued him. Upon his First Change, the circumstances of which still remain a mystery, he was handed over to a passing 'Strider.

The 'Strider sent Two-Tales to the Wheel of Ptah where he received his education and Rite of Passage. His deed-name is a pun, of how he likes to say or recite things twice and of his twin tails deformity.

Now, he wanders the world, from the ends of Europe to the eastern coast of Australia, with stops along the way in the Balkans, the Middle East and Asia. At each stop, he'll check in with the locals at their caerns, swapping stories& news and performing the occasional inking needlework.

Menekh'temses Two-Tales

Spinner of Tales, Scribe of Scars

Silent Strider Galliard Metis

Builder(N) / Loner(D)

Fostern (2)

Willpower 4 | Rage 4 | Gnosis 4

Physical 7

Social 11

Mental 7

Brawl, Dodge, Expression (Tattooes), Garou Lore x2, Glyph Lore, Occult, Performance (Storytelling)

Contacts x1, Resources x2

Influence (Occult) x1, Influence (Transport) x1

Medium (m3) / Compulsion: Twice-Said (f1), Dark Secret (f1), Nightmares (f1)

Twin tails & spinal base malformation (disf)

(1) Call of the Wyld, Persuasion, Sense the Wyrm, Speed of Thought

(1) Rite of Dedication

* Flaw - Compulsion (Twice-Said) : Two-Tales feels compelled to repeat or recite important things twice, tho' not necessarily in the same form.

* Disfigurement - Twin tails : Two-Tales was born with two tails joined at the stump. It is present in all forms and he either disguises them as a deformed back [ie. hunchback] OR hides them by stuffing them into the bottom of a large backpack or butt-bag, which causes quite a bit of discomfort. He's also known to cosplay as the Two-Tailed Kyubbi form of Naruto. [Should we make this a Dark Secret!? - KAZEone]

* Disfigurement - Spinal base malformation : Due to the twin tails, the base of his spine has been malformed and under constant pressure which causes him discomfort in all his humanoid forms.

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